
The RISEPTIS Report on Trust in the Information Society

The RISEPTIS (Research and Innovation on Security, Privacy and Trustworthiness in the Information Society) Advisory Board, framed within the Think-Trust project (funded by the EU's 7th Research Framework Programme, ICT Theme) has released a report entitled "Trust in the Information Society".

Interesting things about this report:

  • It is rather short, just takes a while to scan it an get into the sections you need to read, or to fully cover it.
  • The report features a section with a case study. It is a sequence of scenes in whith a couple and the grandmother of her make relatively intensive use of IT (online booking, mobile navigation, appointments to the dentist, etc.). While starts promising a future of comfort and simplicity and control over own privacy, it rather can get you into panic! Read section 3.2, pages from 20 to 25.
  • And the authors, the RISEPTIS board, is impressive!

Of course, the expected & final list of guidelines, strategic actions and advices is nice enough and worth reading.

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