The following competitions in Data and Text Mining are open to participation:
- MediaEval 2012 - Multimedia Benchmark Evaluation - Several tasks including: Placing Task, Social Event Detection Task, Spoken Web Search Task, Tagging Task, Affect Task: Violent Scenes Detection, Visual Privacy Task.
- Million Song Dataset Challenge: a large-scale, open evaluation of personalized music recommendation algorithms.
- CLEF 2012: Several tasks related to Information Access Evaluation in Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics, including:
- CHiC : Cultural Heritage in CLEF, a pilot evaluation lab that aims at moving towards a systematic and large-scale evaluation of cultural heritage digital libraries and information access systems.
- CLEF-IP: IR in the patents domain, which provides a large collection of XML documents representing patents and patent images.
- ImageCLEF: Cross Language Image Retrieval, which evaluates the cross-language annotation and retrieval of images by focusing on the combination of textual and visual evidence.
- INEX : INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval
- PAN: Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship, and Social Software Misuse. This includes the sexual predator identification task.
- QA4MRE: Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation, its goal is to evaluate Machine Reading abilities through Question Answering and Reading Comprehension Tests.
- RepLab: An Evaluation Campaign for Online Reputation Management Systems.
- Simulated car racing championship: its goal is to design a controller for a racing car that will compete on a set of unknown tracks first alone (against the clock) and then against other drivers.
- Europeana Hack4Europe! 2012: inviting developers and designers to try out their ideas for creative re-use of the Europeana content and build applications showcasing the social and business value of open cultural data.
- Yahoo! News: ICML exploration and exploitation challenge on recommending Yahoo! news item using click logs.
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