
Recent community works

A short list of recent community works:

Besides, the Proceedings of the Workshop NLP in the Enterprise: Envisioning the Next 10 Years have been published at CEUR with the following reference:

José Carlos Cortizo, José María Gómez, Francisco Manuel Rangel, Victor Peinado, Hugo Zaragoza, Francisco M. Carrero (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop NLP in the Enterprise: Envisioning the Next 10 Years, Valencia, Spain, September 7, 2010, CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073, online urn:nbn:de:0074-697-0

Also, the Proceedings of the First Workshop on Mining Social Media (2009), from which some authors have extended their work for the Special Issue on Mining Social Media above, are available at Bubok.


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