Forty Eigth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Uppsala, Sweden, July 11-16, 2010
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) is the flagship conference for research on language and computation. The 48th Annual Meeting of the ACL (ACL 2010) seeks
submission of papers on original and unpublished research in all areas of computational linguistics, broadly conceived to include areas such as psycholinguistics, speech, information retrieval, multimodal language processing, and language issues in emerging domains such as bioinformatics. In addition, we want to stress that both theoretical, as well as practical and empirical papers, are sought for the conference.
ACL 2010 has the goal of a broad technical program. Thus, ACL 2010 invites papers in the following categories:
- Research papers
- theoretical computational linguistics
- empirical/data-driven approaches
- paradigms/techniques/strategies
- resources and evaluation
- applications/systems
- negative result (report of a sensible experiment or approach that failed to achieve the desired results)
- Survey papers (new emerging area, field relevant to computational linguistics, etc.)
- Position papers (we are particularly soliciting papers co-authored by two individuals with opposing positions, though single-authored papers are welcome)
- Challenge papers (a challenge to the field in terms of setting out a goal for the next 5/10/20 years)
- Feb 8, 2010 Abstracts due (not mandatory), both long and short papers
- Feb 15, 2010 Paper submissions due, both long and short papers (submission deadline is 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time)
- April 23, 2010 Notification of acceptance
- May 16, 2010 Camera-ready copy due
- July 11-16, 2010 - ACL 2010
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Discourse, dialogue, and pragmatics
- Grammar engineering
- Information extraction
- Information retrieval
- Knowledge acquisition
- Large scale language processing
- Language generation
- Language processing in domains such as bioinformatics, legal, medical, etc.
- Language resources, evaluation methods and metrics, science of annotation
- Lexical/ontological/formal semantics
- Machine translation
- Mathematical linguistics, grammatical formalisms
- Mining from textual and spoken language data
- Multilingual language processing
- Multimodal language processing (including speech, gestures, and other communication media)
- NLP applications and systems
- NLP on noisy unstructured text, such as emails, blogs, sms
- Phonology/morphology, tagging and chunking, word segmentation
- Psycholinguistics
- Question answering
- Semantic role labeling
- Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
- Spoken language processing
- Statistical and machine learning methods
- Summarization
- Syntax, parsing, grammar induction
- Text mining
- Textual entailment and paraphrasing
- Topic and text classification
- Word sense disambiguation
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