
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

Themos Kalafatis has an interesting blog about Practical Applications of Data Mining, Text Mining and Information Extraction entitled Life Analytics, in which there a number of examples on using Twitter for Sentiment Analysis, and a recent post about ScoutLabs, which is a company that offer Social Media Monitoring for corporations.

My opinion is that there is a great opportunity right now for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis on Social Media, as collecting and classifying opinions and metions to brands, trade marks, services and products, executives and other staff, etc., can be very valuable for:

  • Brand and product analysis and protection: a corporation gets knowledge about the opinions (and possible image attacks) about their products, services, brand, etc.
  • Competitive analysis: a corporation gets knowledge about the opinions of people about their competence products, services, etc.
  • Technology watch: a corporation gets knowledge about new productsa, services or technologies than can be relevant to their productive processes, technologies, comercial offer, etc.

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