
Call for reviewers: NDT, ICADIWT, Scientific Research and Essays

The following conferences and jornals are needing reviewers. I think it is a very good idea to support these conferences and journals (it does not take so much time, it matters, and it makes CV).

  • NDT: Networked Digital Technologies. Currently, a number of institutions across the countries are working to evolve better models to provide collaborative technology services for scholarship by creating shared cyberspace thro expert collaboration, but this is a challenge for the institutions for a number of reasons. In the last few years, the landscape of digital technology applications projects for the various disciplines in humanities, social sciences, and sciences appears induced by many initiatives. For the creation of research clusters, the research community has thousands of databases, websites, local computing clusters, and web-based tools around individual themes, interests and projects. In most cases, these tools and resources are and were created to meet the specific needs of a particular community. In many cases, the funding and support for these critical initiatives is fragile and temporary, and directed in piecemeal fashion. There is a need to provide concerted efforts in building federated digital technologies that will enable the formation of network of digital technologies.
  • ICADIWT: International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies. A forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in the areas of Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, Neural networks, Network security, Biometrics Technologies and Applications, Pattern Recognition and Biometrics Security, Bioinformatics and IT Applications in the above themes.
  • Scientific Research and Essays (SRE) publishes high-quality articles in English, in all areas of science, medicine, agriculture and engineering. All papers published by SRE are peer reviewed. SRE is a very rapid response journal with an issue published every month.

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